Radiohead colocou em pré-venda hoje, seu novo e oitavo álbum,
The King of Limbs será lançado oficialmente neste próximo sábado, 19 de fevereiro de 2011. Só que desta vez não há o "pague quanto quiser" de
In Rainbows, os arquivos digitais saem por $9 (MP3) ou $14 (WAV) "doletas". Mas acho que vale a pena gastar um pouquinho mais no chamado Newspaper Album, que vem com a seguinte configuração:
Newspaper Album - PRESALE
Radiohead's new record, The King Of Limbs, is presented here as the world's first* Newspaper Album, comprising:
* Two clear 10" vinyl records in a purpose-built record sleeve.
* A compact disc.
* Many large sheets of artwork, 625 tiny pieces of artwork and a full-colour piece of oxo-degradeable plastic to hold it all together.
* The Newspaper Album comes with a digital download that is compatible with all good digital media players.
* The Newspaper Album will be shipped on Monday 9th May 2011 you can, however, enjoy the download on Saturday 19th February 2011.
* Shipping is included in the prices shown.
* One lucky owner of the digital version of The King Of Limbs, purchased from this website, will receive a signed 2 track 12" vinyl.
Newspaper Album + MP3 PRICE $48.00
Newspaper Album + WAV PRICE $53.00

Vá logo no site e resolva essa "parada":
thekingoflimbs.comRADIOHEAD CD's & MP3's:
• BuscaPé
• MercadoLivre
• Amazon
• Insound
• 7digital